Rules and FAQs


Rule #1

Have fun. However, don’t let your “fun,” interfere with the fun everyone around you is having.

Rule #2

This is a self-supported race.

There will be planned self-service sag stops along the route. Each rider is responsible to plan ahead and carry their own supplies. For riders competing in the 100 mile course, there will be 3 planned sags.

Rule #3

Helmets are mandatory

Riders not wearing a helmet during the race will be immediately disqualified. We are insured through USA Cycling and this is non-negotiable.

Rule #4


You need to have at least a flashing tail and headlight.


Q: Will the course be marked?

A: The GPS files for the courses will be released the week before the event. Each rider will be responsible for their own navigation. There will be some markings along busier intersections but the whole map will not be marked.

Q: Will there be any sag stops on the course?

A: See “rule 2”

Q: When is packet pick up?

A: The day before the race, riders are encouraged to check in at Ottawa Bike and Trail. Check it will be from 4-8pm. There will be a riders meeting the day of the race in Legacy Square @ 7:30.

Q: I wont be able to be there till the morning of, what do I do?

A: You can still check in and get your packet the morning of at our info table outside in Legacy Square beginning at 7am. Remember, the race starts at 8.

Q: How long will I have to finish?

A: We encourage riders to plan for a 10 MPH pace for the 100 mile course. However, the finish line will continue to be set up until 8pm. (That means you have 12 hrs to finish)

Q: What are the course conditions?

A: For 2021, the course is 80% (ish) pristine Kansas fast rolling gravel. There is about 6 miles of minimum maintenance “roads” on the 100 mile course (3 miles on the 50. There are no minimum maintenance roads on the 25 mile loop). The remainder is mostly chip-seal roads (garbage for roadies, feels like heaven after some gravel) with a few miles in town being paved bike lanes or tarmac streets.

Q: Is this a closed course

A: Ok, nobody really asks this question. This is NOT a closed course. These are all public roads. Each rider is responsible for following the rules/laws of the road including but not limited to, stop signs, yield signs, and right of way.

Q: I have a question you didn’t answer.

A: If you have more questions please reach out to us at